

聽讀 : 學生可以依照測驗規定的時間,在接近真實的情況下練習作答。學生在實作試題、並詳讀本平台提供的相關學習資源後,應能夠累積聽讀策略、字彙語法、篇章結構的相關知識,考試時更能夠發揮實力。

說寫 : 學生可以先嘗試自行演練試題,再參考不同級數表現的作答樣例與評析。如果還想要參考更多相關學習資源,可至「培力英檢」官網發掘 優秀作文分享備考說明短片常見錯誤等,以提升對於說寫評量重點的理解。

This learning resource platform, funded by the Ministry of Education and established by the LTTC, gives an overview of the BESTEP test. By studying the content on this platform, students who plan to take this test can become familiar with its format and difficulty level. On this platform, practice questions from BESTEP is provided.

For the listening and reading sections, students can practice answering questions under conditions that closely resemble the actual test scenario, following the time constraints for the real test. We hope that after working on these practice questions, students will be able to develop effective listening and reading strategies as well as gain knowledge about vocabulary, grammar, and text structure which will help them perform better in the actual exam.

For the speaking and writing sections, students can practice the questions on their own and then refer to the sample answers and analyses for different levels. To enhance their understanding of the key points in the speaking and writing tests, students can visit the official BESTEP website to explore resources such as the Outstanding Essays, BESTEP Preparation Videos, and Common Mistakes.

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