

發布日期 : 2024-04-19|瀏覽人次 : 59|資料來源 : 培力英語能力檢定測驗
  1. 論述連貫性薄弱:段落內缺乏主題句和連接詞,使論點難以理解,例如:
    原句:I found few students use the free learning resources. The free learning resources are great. I benefited a lot. I think we should hold a game.
    修改:The free learning resources are great, and I have benefited a lot from them. However, I found few students use them. That's why I think we should hold a game to get their attention.
  2. 組織及連貫性不佳:缺乏清晰組織內容,影響整體理解,例如:
    原句:Summarize the two surveys of figure 1 and figure 2, we can see…
    修改:To summarize, in figure 1, we can see… As for figure 2, it shows…