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Test Format

Date : 2022-12-21|Visitors : 2638|Source : BEST Test of English Proficiency

Speaking Test


The BESTEP speaking test is conducted in audio-visual or computer classrooms. All test takers are seated in front of a computer and record their responses simultaneously. The speaking test includes three parts: Answering Questions, Expressing Opinions, and Giving a Short Presentation. The duration of the speaking test is approximately 15 minutes. The task types are as follows: 

Task types Part 1
Answering Questions
Part 2
Expressing Opinions
Part 3
Giving a Short Presentation
Description Answer questions related to daily life and learning Explain key points and express opinions on topics related to daily life and learning Integrate information from textual and visual inputs on more abstract topics, summarize key points, and compare key information
Range of assessment
(CEFR level)
A1–B1 A2–C1 A2–C1 or above
Part score (out of a total score of 360) 80 130 150
Number of questions 6 1 1
Preparation time None 1.5 minutes 2.5 minutes
Response time 15 seconds per question
1.5 minutes in total
1.5 minutes 2.5 minutes