Registration Regulations for Test Takers


Regulations for Test Takers

Date : 2022-12-16|Visitors : 1986|Source : BEST Test of English Proficiency

Before the test

  1. It is recommended that test takers go to the test venue in advance to confirm the location of the test room. Wait outside the test room to take the test.
  2. Test takers must bring the original copy of their national ID card (or driver's license, or valid passport, or student card plus their National Health Insurance card). They will need a black ballpoint pen and correction tape for the speaking and writing tests, and a 2B pencil and an eraser for the listening and reading test. Test takers must arrive at the test room on time at the location indicated in the test notice.
    • Those who do not have an original copy of an acceptable form of ID must go to the Test Center Office to complete the ID verification procedure, or they will not be allowed to take the test.
    • Those needing to use personal medical equipment or assistive devices such as hearing aids must submit an application at the time of registration and may use them only after approval.
    • It is recommended that test takers prepare an analog or a digital watch to monitor the allotted time for each part of the test.
  3. All non-permitted personal items must be placed on the floor at the front of the test room and may not be carried by a test taker to the seat. These include, but are not limited to, the following: books, paper, rulers, pencil cases, bags, and backpacks; devices such as mobile phones, smart wearable devices including bracelets, watches, etc., which have such functions as communication, photography, recording, and sound; and equipment that could disturb the peace of the test room or affect the fairness of the test or intellectual property rights. The Test Center Office does not provide services for keeping valuables.
  4. If test takers have any of the electronic equipment as described in 2 above, the alarm setting and the power must be turned off. The device must not be carried by a test taker to the seat, make any noise (including vibration), and be turned on.
  5. Entry to the test room will only be permitted up to 10 minutes after the bell rings. Test takers should present the original copy of their ID card upon entering the test room. After taking a seat according to their registration number, test takers should immediately check that their registration number matches the seat number label on the desk.
  6. Test takers who are absent will not be graded.

During the test

  1. Test takers should cooperate with the proctors to verify their identity and information. If the proctors find that the information on the photocopy of the ID card submitted by the test taker does not match the original copy or they are unable to identify the test taker as the person in the photo on their original identity document, the test taker will be asked to re-verify their identity after the test.
  2. If test takers have any of the electronic equipment as described in 3 above:
    • All electronic devices must be turned off. If they are not turned off during the test, ring, or vibrate, 5 points will be deducted from each score on the listening and reading tests, and 20 points from your score on the writing or speaking test.
    • Proctors or test administrative staff may take measures necessary to avoid disturbances in the test room and ensure the fairness of the test. Such measures may include taking objects that are suspected of making a noise out of the test room and handing them over to the Test Center Office.
  3. Taking the test for someone else or allowing someone to take the test for you will result in a three-year ban from the test for all parties involved.
  4. Test takers should follow the instructions of the proctors to check that the answer sheets and test booklets or test papers are complete and that the printed registration numbers are correct and complete. If there are any errors, stains, omissions, or missing pages, test takers should immediately raise their hand and report the matter to the proctors so that their interests are not affected.
  5. If the test time is affected due to test takers' physical discomfort or the need to use the bathroom, no extra time will be given to compensate for any time lost. During the test, if test takers need to drink water or take medicine for special reasons such as illness, they should apply for approval with relevant certificates before the test. After approved is received from the LTTC, they can take it with the assistance of the proctors.
  6. For the writing test, please use a black ballpoint pen to write in the designated area on the answer sheet. The use of pencils is not allowed. Correction tape is allowed. In the case where the answers are written outside the designated area, the writing is unclear, or the answer sheet has been defaced, resulting in raters being unable to clearly discern the content after it has been scanned by computer, the score may be affected. The responsibility for this rests with the test takers themselves, and no objection is allowed.
  7. In the speaking test, if there is noise interference or other unexpected situations that make it difficult to hear the test questions clearly, the proctors will record the numbers of the question(s) affected. Test takers can also raise their hand to report this issue after all of the test questions have been played. In a case where disturbance of one or more questions is confirmed, that question or these questions will be replayed.
  8. The Speaking test is conducted in audio-visual or computer classrooms. All test takers are seated in front of a computer and record their responses simultaneously. If the test is interrupted by any incidents (technical problems, a power failure, etc.), the LTTC will schedule another test session for the test takers affected. Affected test takers will not be given extra marks.
  9. During the listening/reading/speaking/writing tests, test takers may use the blank spaces in the test papers for note taking. Copying test questions or making marks on any other items/body parts other than the test papers are not allowed.

After the test

  1. If, for any reason, a test cannot be scored or reported, the LTTC will make appropriate arrangements, such as by scheduling another test session.
  2. If there is other fraud or misconduct not described in this notice, or matters that affect the fairness of the test and the rights and interests of test takers, it must be reported by the proctors. The LTTC will then deal with it appropriately according to the circumstances.
  3. Test takers who believe that their rights and interests are affected by the administrative affairs of the current test or those who have doubts about the current test questions can submit a written complaint or request for clarification within three working days of the test. The complaint or application should state the nature of the complaint or application, name of the complainant or applicant, registration number, test items and question numbers concerned, contact address and phone number. Late complaints or applications will not be accepted. Complaints or applications can be sent to the LTTC by email ( Please note, complaints and applications from those who do not state their names will not be accepted. The LTTC will give a written response within 10 working days; however, when necessary, a later response can be made after reviewing, analyzing, and discussing the test papers.

In the following cases, the answers of the test takers will not be scored.

  1. As mentioned in 7 above, test takers are unable to be identified as the person in the photo on their ID card, and their identity cannot be verified after re-verification.
  2. Test takers attempt to or have taken the test booklet, answer sheet, or audio-visual materials of the test questions out of the test room; test takers attempt to or have recorded test materials with the intention of taking them out of the test room.
  3. Behavior as described in 2 infringes upon the property rights of the test's copyrights. If test takers are involved in above-mentioned behaviors, they will be prevented from registering for this test within 5 years, and the school or work organization of the violator will be notified.
  4. Test takers write any word, symbol, etc. related to the test on the test notice, stationery, desktop, their body, or anywhere other than the designated area on the answer sheet and test booklet/paper.
  5. Test takers are found engaging in behavior such as smuggling notes from the test, cheating, passing or exchanging answers, facilitating others to look at or plagiarize answers, reciting answers aloud, showing answers by voice or signal. Violators will be ordered to leave the test venue.
  6. Test takers engage in behavior such as looking around, attempting to look at others' answers, talking to others, etc., and continue to violate the regulations after being warned.
  7. Test takers do not follow the instructions of the proctors to stop answering immediately or fail to wait in place for the proctors to collect and count the test papers after the test.
  8. Test takers eat or drink (including chewing gum), or distract others in the test room, and violate the regulations again after being warned.
  9. Test takers submit their test papers and leave the test venue early or make marks or write down the questions before the proctors have collected the test papers and announced the end of the test.
  10. Test takers linger around the test room after the test making loud noises and discussing test answers.
  11. Test takers violate the personal safety of other test takers, proctors, or test administrative staff, or seriously disturb the order of the test room and hinder the fairness of the test. In the case of such disruptions, the proctors may suspend the test session and cancel the test qualification of the test taker. Action will be pursued accordingly.