RESOURCES Sample Tasks and Example Answers


Writing Test|Part 3: Writing an Integrated Essay

Date : 2023-12-27|Visitors : 560|Source : BEST Test of English Proficiency



Write an essay based on the following prompt. Your essay should be 120–150 words in length. You should spend approximately 30 minutes on this task.


In class, your professor presents the two figures below during her talk on online learning.

She then gives you an assignment on the following topic:

Should online learning be part of regular school instruction?

In the assignment, you should write an essay in which you:

  1. summarize the main points shown in the two figures;
  2. state your own opinion on the topic, using the information from the two figures.


Figure 1. Students' main concerns with online learning


Figure 2. Main challenges for teachers of online teaching




  • 第1題要求總結兩張圖表的要點。
  • 第2題要求陳述自身對議題的看法並給出理由。


  • 是否符合題目兩個要求,亦即:兩張圖表描述及意見表達,且有充分發揮。
  • 是否組織完整,表達流暢、清楚有條理,能靈活使用連接詞和轉折詞。
  • 是否能適切使用語法、詞彙。

B2 作答樣例與評析

B2 作答樣例(此為考生實際作答樣例,保留原有錯誤)

  Based on the figure 1, we can understand students perspectives, the dominate concern is lack of social interation, and the second one is unable to stay focused in class. Shift to the figure 2, the teachers' challenges, we can notice that they tried hard to keep students engaged, indicating the most difficult problem for both is that they can not have face to face interaction, so students can not get promptly feedback from their teacher and other students, it might lead to lack of study motivation and cannot pay attention on the online class. As for teachers, they have to adjust and design the lecture to attract the students and can not get directly facial expression from students to know that they understand or not.

  From my point of view, I think online learning should be part of regular school instruction. First of all, the online learning really save our time such as transportation and the time after class that you have no where to stay. However, I am not expect the whole courses in the semester are all on online, I think the class that you need to see the concret object and do-it-yourself such as Anatomy must be hold in the real classroom.

  In conclusion, I think the online learning should be part of regular school instruction, but still have to depend the course's objective. Though the online course really give us more flexibility, we still need to learn from others with social interation. I think the oline learning will be the trend in the near future.


  • 內容大致符合題目兩點要求,字彙足以大略溝通想法,具連貫性,能以標示語如based on, from my point of view, first of all, however, in conclusion 指引文章走向。
  • 文章組織可再加強,簡述圖表時未能以主題句或結論句清楚帶出數據重點,表達意見時,主要看法 “I think online learning should be part of regular school instruction.”、“online learning will be the trend in the near future” 未獲充分說明,以致論述較為零散,偶有拼字、用法錯誤。

C1 作答樣例與評析

C1 作答樣例(此為考生實際作答樣例,保留原有錯誤)

  In the first figure, we can infer that the “lack of social interaction” and “Unable to stay focus” are the main issues, which decrease the attraction of online learning to students. In the meanwhile, the second figure shows that “keeping students engaged” and “ Adjusting teaching to suit students' needs” are the important factors for teachers who teach online. To sum up, the core for both students and teachers of concerning for online teaching is the participation in online class.

  In my point of view, with the development of technology worldwide and the wave of globalization, online learning is inevitably the main channel for both studying and teaching. Especially under the certain situation like the Covid-19 pandemic which makes school turned down and thus students have no where to learn. Despite the above advantages, however, there are some plight when teaching online. Take the lack of engaged to students for example, online learning means that traditionally interaction in class will no longer appear, which makes students feel like they are not part of the class. Therefore, the motivation of learning will go down with it. To deal with the dilemma, I believe that if the teachers add some interaction part in class like the online quiz game, which all students take part in will definately enhance the attration for students to learn online.

  To sum up, online learning will become a necessary resource in regular school instruction. If the aforementioned disadvantages shown on the figures are able to be conquered perfectly, online learning will bring both students and teachers gigantic amount of benfit.


  • 內容符合兩點要求,表達充分,發揮得當。圖表部分能清楚指出兩個圖表重點,並歸納出結論,足見資料分析與表述能力。
  • 意見表達部分組織、邏輯良好,偶有拼字、用字不適切與句構缺失問題,例如:“under the certain situation like the Covid-19 pandemic which makes school turned down and thus students have no where to learn”、“there are some plight when teaching online”、“the lack of engaged to students” 等,然不妨礙理解。