Writing Test|Part 1: Answering Questions
Date : 2023-12-27|Visitors : 569|Source : BEST Test of English Proficiency
Read the information below and answer the questions. Your response should be approximately 25 words in total. You should spend approximately 5 minutes on this task.
Question 1. How long does the party last?
Question 2. One important piece of information about the event is missing from the poster. Ask a question to get this information.
Question 3. Describe a school event you recently attended. Use full sentences.
- 第1題詢問「請問派對為時多久?」考生須讀懂問題,並從海報擷取所問資訊。
- 第2題要求「海報中缺少一項活動資訊。請提出一個問題詢問該項資訊。」考生須研判畢業舞會參加者所需資訊、核對海報是否有所遺漏,並以英文作出適切詢問。
- 第3題要求「請描述你最近參加過的一個校園活動。請使用完整句子作答。」考生須透過海報觸發,回溯自身參加校園活動的經驗,並以英文加以描述。
- 是否針對三個問題要求充分作答。
- 是否能掌握基本的句構、詞彙。
- 拼字、標點是否正確。
A2 作答樣例與評析
A2 作答樣例(此為考生實際作答樣例,保留原有錯誤)
- The party last for 3 hours.
- Where will the party hold?
- I attended a little concert that was holded by our department, my friends and I organized a band and performed a song, though I sang out of tune, but that was still a really great experience.
- 回答切題,詞彙大致足以表達。
- 語法掌握有待加強,可特別注意主被動語氣、動詞形式、人稱與動詞一致性、逗號使用、從屬子句之主句不明(though…, but…)問題。
B1 作答樣例與評析
B1 作答樣例(此為考生實際作答樣例,保留原有錯誤)
- The party lasts for three hours.
- What is the location of this dance party?
- I attended the school marathon, which is held for both the students and teachers to do exercise together.
- 回答切題、清晰,語言使用大致正確。